Maharashtra on Thursday obtained its brand-new Chief Minister with Devendra Fadnavis at the helm and Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde in addition to NCP leader Ajit Pawar took vow of workplace as the Deputy Chief Ministers of the state. The swearing-in ceremony occasion was gone to by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Chief Ministers of the NDA-ruled states and numerous stars. After Shinde, that was earlier unwilling to approve the Deputy centimeters blog post, took the vow of workplace, Prime Minister Modi had a quick discussion with him on the phase and both leaders were seen sharing a laugh.
Later, requiring to X, PM Modi claimed that the brand-new Maharashtra federal government group is a mix of experience and dynamism. “Congratulations to Shri Devendra Fadnavis Ji on taking oath as Maharashtra’s Chief Minister. Congratulations to Shri Eknath Shinde Ji and Shri Ajit Pawar Ji on taking oath as the Deputy Chief Ministers of the state. This team is a blend of experience and dynamism, and it is due to this team’s collective efforts that the Mahayuti has got a historic mandate in Maharashtra,” claimed Modi.
Congratulations to Shri Devendra Fadnavis Ji on taking vow as Maharashtra’s Chief Minister.
Congratulations to Shri Eknath Shinde Ji andShri Ajit Pawar Ji on taking vow as the Deputy Chief Ministers of the state.
This group is a mix of experience and dynamism, and it is … .– Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 5, 2024
The Prime Minister additionally ensured assistance to the brand-new federal government. “This team will do everything possible to fulfil the aspirations of the people of the state and to ensure there is good governance. I assure all possible support from the Centre in furthering development in Maharashtra,” claimed Modi.
Talking to press reporters after the initial conference of the federal government, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis claimed that the appropriation of the ministries will certainly be made a decision quickly. “Who will get what ministry, this will be decided by the three together and it is in the final stage. The work of the ministers in the previous government is being assessed and further decisions will be taken on that basis,” claimed Fadnavis.
Speaking to media, Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde claimed, “Maharashtra is a state that gives ideological direction to the country and I, who comes from a simple farmer family, got the opportunity to become the CM of such a state…PM Narendra Modi also supported us completely, gave us full strength. Union HM Amit Shah also stood behind us with full strength…And that is why we could do so much work in 2.5 years. We have taken so many historic decisions. This will be written in golden letters.”
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