In a heartbreaking case on Wednesday evening, atleast 6 followers, consisting of 3 females, shed their lives and a number of others were hurt in a charge as numerous individuals rushed for tickets for the Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam at Lord Venkateswara Swamy holy place on Tirumala Hills, according to a cops authorities.
Hundreds of followers from throughout the nation collected for the 10-day Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam, which started on January 10.
“Three women and a man died in the stampede,” the authorities stated, PTI reported.
According to ANI, Andhra Pradesh CENTIMETERS Chandrababu Naidu revealed deep shock over the fatality of 4 followers in the charge near Vishnu Niwasam in Tirupati for darshan symbols at Tirumala Srivari Vaikuntha Dwara.
Hundreds of followers from throughout the nation collected for the 10-day Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam, beginning on January 10.
“A few devotees dying in a stampede near Vishnu Nivasam in Tirupati while trying for Vaikuna Dwara Darsanam has grieved me intensely,” stated Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu in an article on X.
Meanwhile, video clips of cops carrying out mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on a number of lady followers and hurt individuals being changed in rescues went viral.