Mumbaikars got up to a surprising information on Tuesday as Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was struck at his classy house in Bandra throughout a break-in proposal. Actress Pooja Bhatt later on required to her social networks deal with to call out the ‘lawlessness’ in the city and required even more activity and performance by the Mumbai Police.
Pooja required to her X deal with on Tuesday early morning, and responded to the information concerning strike onSaif “Can this lawlessness please be curbed @MumbaiPolice @CPMumbaiPolice We need more Police presence in Bandra. The city & especially the queen of the suburbs, have never felt so unsafe before (sic),” she created.
She likewise marked Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy CENTIMETERS Eknath Shinde, Ajit Pawar and Ashish Shelar and required their interest.