The Punjab federal government on Thursday rejected the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Gursher Singh Sandhu for his function in Lawrence Bishnoi’s meeting throughout wardship at the Central Investigation Agency (CIA), Kharar, in March 2023. The termination orders released by the Department of Home Affairs billed the put on hold DSP for ‘denting the image of the police department.’
The termination orders, accepted by the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC)– the selecting authority for Punjab Police Service staff authorities– were released by Gurkirat Kirpal Singh, Secretary of the Department ofHome Affairs
The order highlighted that Sandhu’s transgression and neglect throughout Bishnoi’s meeting in CIA Kharar’s wardship stained the division’s photo.
Punjab Government has actually rejected Deputy Superintendent of Police Gursher Singh Sandhu for “denting the image of the police department” by assisting in a video clip meeting of mobster Lawrence Bishnoi throughout his wardship at the Central Investigation Agency (CIA), Kharar.
The … .– RECTUM (@ANI) January 3, 2025
On December 26, 2024, the Punjab Public Service Commission accepted the state federal government’s proposition to reject Sandhu under Article 311( 2 )( b) of theConstitution Article 311 permits authorities to reject or bench policemans without an official query when such procedures are regarded not practical.
The termination order specified, “It is not reasonably practicable to hold an inquiry into the chargesheet issued to Gursher Singh Sandhu, PPS (under suspension), given the non-cooperative attitude of the officer.”
The Special Investigation Team( SIT ), created by the Punjab and Haryana High Court, located that Sandhu, put on hold considering that October 25, 2024, contributed in assisting in Bishnoi’s meeting recording while in CIA Kharar’s wardship.
Sandhu was put on hold and released a chargesheet, which was sent to the Commandant of the 9th Battalion, Punjab Armed Police (PAP) in Amritsar for distribution.
“After careful consideration of the facts and circumstances, the state government is satisfied that Gursher Singh Sandhu has severely dented the image of the Punjab Police through his actions. His failure to perform his duties properly constitutes a gross violation of the Punjab Police’s discipline and conduct rules. Therefore, under Article 311 of the Constitution of India, Gursher Singh Sandhu, PPS (under suspension), is dismissed from the post of DSP in Punjab Police,” the order stated. . .
Sandhu, in addition to 6 various other policemans, was put on hold over their participation in case. After his suspension, the Punjab Vigilance Bureau released a questions right into accusations of out of proportion properties and doubtful residential or commercial property ventures versus him.
( With IANS inputs)