Kabaddi gamers from Tamil Nadu, taking part in an Inter- University competitors in Bathinda, Punjab, were attacked onFriday, according to records. The battle burst out after the gamers were dissatisfied with a choice of the suit umpire, the records asserted. The student-athletes from different colleges such as Mother Teresa University, Periyar University, Alagappa University and Bharathiar University were contending in the North Zone Inter University & & All India Inter University Kabaddi (Women )Championship 2024-25
According to a record in India Today, the professional athletes were apparently initial struck by gamers of a competing group. The record included that a ‘nasty assault’ called versus Mother Teresa University throughout the video game with Darbhanga University led to a run-in. The umpire of the kabaddi suit struck a participant of the Mother Teresa group after debate burst out adhering to an allure.
In a video clip which has actually gone viral on social networks, gamers can be seen encountering couple of males. It is unclear from the video clip, whether they were authorities or viewers. Chairs were likewise tossed by both events.
It is surprising that Tamil Nadu ladies gamers that mosted likely to play Kabaddi in Punjab were struck. The assault occurred throughout a Kabadi suit in between Punjab andTamil Nadu I advise the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann ji to take suitable query and activity on assaulters … pic.twitter.com/vIZrG0EsVn
.– Devakumaar (@Devakumaar Offcl)January 24, 2025
Tamil Nadu replacement principal priest Udhayanidhi Stalin stated that the women were risk-free and will certainly go back to the state quickly.
“There was a small incident today morning. I have spoken to the Physical Education Director, Mr Kalaiarasi. Now everything is under control. No major injuries or anything. First aid was given to the students. They will return to Delhi and they will be made to stay at Delhi House (Tamil Nadu House in Delhi) tonight. They are leaving from Delhi in the night the day after tomorrow. They will be reaching Chennai very shortly,” he stated.
#WATCH|Chennai: On Kabaddi gamers from the state struck in Punjab, Tamil Nadu Deputy CENTIMETERS Udhayanidhi Stalin claims, “There was a small incident today morning. I have spoken to the Physical Education Director, Kalaiarasi. Now everything is under control. There are no major… pic.twitter.com/C24kRLLGlI
— RECTUM (@ANI) January 24, 2025
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