Ranbir Kapoor and Imran Khan made their acting debuts a year apart. While Ranbir’s launching movie ‘Saawariya ‘fell short to execute well at package workplace, Imran Khan’s ‘Jaane Tu …Ya Jaane Na ‘took place to come to be a follower preferred and a traditional. Ranbir feared of Imran’s efficiency and the success of the movie and also phoned the star for a conference. The duo showed up with each other on period 3 of Koffee With Karan where they mentioned the bond they share.
Ranbir on Imran Khan’s launching
Talking regarding the very first time he found out about Imran Khan and his launching movie, Ranbir claimed, “When Imran`s `Jaane Tu…` had released, I remember I was in Ooty shooting for `Ajab Prem Ki Gazab Kahani`. Post the premiere people were going gaga about this film and this boy. I was kind of eager and jealous as well. And I truly admire his work and I like the way he is, not just as an actor but even as a person he is very unaffected. He is not the typical filmy guy you meet, there is no facade. He is what he is and I think that is great I think that is a quality that will always remain and I don`t think that will change in him also.”
Further, Kapoor mentioned their initial conference face to face, “When `Jaane Tu…` was released I sent him a message saying that I wanted to meet you and that I liked your work. We met at Taj Lands. I think at that time somebody offered us the same film at the same time and it was a solo film. So we happened to meet and through a common friend I got to know that we have the same script.”
“So we met and had a great conversation. We spoke about what his ideologies are, the kind of films he wants to do, the kind of vision he comes with as an actor. We discussed that and I found him really like-minded, who shares the same values, and notions about films and what we want to do with our careers. So we decided to produce a film together. We actually had 10 meetings. Genuine Draft Productions was the name we came up for the production house. ”
Imran Khan commended Ranbir Kapoor
Imran Khan additionally commended Ranbir on the program when Karan asked that he really felt was a far better star amongst both. “I do feel he is a better actor than me. I kind of stumbled into acting at the last minute. It was not my lifelong dream. It is something I am finding my way into. There are a lot of times I see him on screen and feel that I wish I could do that,” he claimed.
In the episode, Ranbir additionally mentioned at Imran’s nature of leaving points at the height. “He also seems like someone who at the peak of his career would leave it,” claimed Ranbir to which Imran claimed,”You wish!” The 2 after that burglarize a laugh.
Imran Khan was last seen in the movie ‘Katti Batti ‘in 2015 contrary Kangana Ranaut and afterwards paused from acting. The star just recently disclosed that he is proactively checking out returning to the flicks.