Bengaluru’s City Civil Court on Saturday approved bond to the better half (Nikita Singhania), mother-in regulation (Nisha Singhania) and brother-in-law (Anurag Singhania) of Atul Subhash, the 34-year-old geeky that passed away by self-destruction last month.
Subhash’s better half Nikita Singhania, her mommy Nisha Singhania and bro Anurag Singhania had actually come close to the session court in Bengaluru for bond in case.
They had earlier attracted the Karnataka High Court to route the session court to take care of their bondPetition The High Court guided the session court to take care of the application today.
On December 14, Nikita Singhania was detained from Gurugram while her mommy and bro Anurag were gotten fromUttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj
Public Prosecutor Ponnanna stated, “All the three, the wife, brother-in-law and mother-in-law had come before the Sessions Court for bail and now it’s been allowed. We have yet to look into the order in detail. Once the order is looked into in detail, we’ll get to know the grounds on which the bail has been granted or the conditions have been imposed. Our side of the argument was that the procurement of them was very difficult. The investigation is still pending… We are not happy with the bail order and it will be challenged.”
The 34-year-old had actually left a video clip and 24-page note describing his marriage concerns, harassment and efforts of extortion by his separated better half, her loved ones and an Uttar Pradesh- based court. He charged his better half and her loved ones for driving him to self-destruction via “false” situations and “persistent torture”.
Advocate standing for Atul Subhash, Vinay Singh informed ANI, “The bail has been allowed. We are waiting for the order sheet… Our argument was on factual information, on harassment. The suicide note has been sent to forensics but it has not been considered yet. His suicide video has also been sent to forensics. His handwriting is also being examined… We are with the entire family. We are fighting to get justice for the family… We will challenge it (bail order)… After seeing the order sheet, and analyzing it, we can approach the High Court of Karnataka.”