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Why does Hungary’s Viktor Orban assistance Serbian nationalism?– DW– 03/28/2025

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban Foster Close Ties with Right-Wing Populists, Authoritarian Leaders and Dictators The World Over-From Aleksandar Vucic in Serbia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey and Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel to Vladimir Putin in Russia.

In some instances, Orban Even Helps Search political leaders leave from the Judiciary in their own very own nation.

In 2018, for instance, hungary assistance nikola gruevski, previous head of state of what is currently currently north macedonia, to leave from skopje toBudapest Hungarian Diplomatic Vehicles Were Used toSmuggle Gruevski Across Several National Borders Gruevski Had Been Convicted of corruption and was encountering a jail sentence in his indigenous nation. Instead, he was approved asylum in Hungary.

In March 2024, Brazil’s Former President Jair Bolsonaro Spent Several Nights in the Hungarian Embassy in Brazil, Likely to Avoid Being Arrested by Police.

A Large Blue Banner Featuring the Words 'Orban's Vip Migrant' and an image of Nikola Gruevski Hangs Out of a Window on the Pale, Sand-Colored Façade of the Hungarian Parliament, Budapest, November 19, 2018
A Banner Descrbe Nikola Gruevski, The Former Prime Minister of North Macedonia Who was Granted Asylum by Victor Orban After Fleing Justice in his Country, as ‘Orban’s Vip Migrant’Image: Hungarian Democratic Coalition

Then, in Late December, Hungary Granted Asylum to Former Polish Deputy Justice Minister Marcin Romanowski, Who is Wanted in Poland on Criminal Charges and Against Whom a European Arrest Warrant Has Been Issued.

Arrest Warrant for Milorad Dodik

But all thesis Things Pale in Comparison to Hungary’s Latest “Rescue Mission,” Which Involves Bosnian Serb Leader Milorad Dodik and Has Not just Major Security Consequences for Europe But So Geopolitical Repercussions.

Bosnia-Herzegovina is Made Up of Two Entitsies, The Predominantly Bosniak and Croat Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Predominantly Serbian Republika Srpska.

In Late February, A Court in the Bosnian Capital, Sarajevo, Senteced Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, To One Year in Prison and Banned Him from Politics for Six Years for Acting Against The Constitution of Bosnia-Herzegovina The Sentence is tentative and dodik can appeal.

However, Authorities in Bosnia Last Week Issued a National Arrest Warrant forDodik The Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina Feared that Dodik Could Flee to Hungary.

Members of Hungarian Anti-Terror Unit in Bosnia

After the Sentence Against Him was Handed Down, Dodik Himelferf Said that Hungary Had, as a Precautionary Measure, Sent A Police Special Operations Team to Republika Srpska in Late February.

The group, that included 78 participants of the hungarian anti-terror system tek, took a trip to republica srpska in armored automobiles and with a mobile procedures facility. Accord to the Hungarian Government, They Went There to participate in a joint training Exercise with Bosnian Serb Special Operations Forces.

Although it is normal in Europe for Such Joint Exercises to Be Announced in Advance, that did not take place in this instance. Moreover, The Tek Forces – Some of Them in Civilian Clothing – Entered Bosnia from Serbia Without the Knowledge of the Bosnian Authorities.

Dodik has actually for years been perturbing versus the presence of Bosnia-Herzegovina overall. The circumstance has actually risen in Recent Months, with Dodik Openly Disregarding Bosnia’s Judiciary and Threatening Violence and Even the Secession of Republika Srpska from the remainder of the nation if he is apprehended.

Regionally destabilization

Dodik has the assistance of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Who Propagates The Concept of “Srpski Svet” (Serbian World), The Cultural and Spiritual Unity of All Serbs and Their Unification in A Single Nation State.

This plan is shut on Vladimir Putin’s “Russian Mir” (Russian World) Concept and has Caused Growing Tension in the area inRecent Years So a lot so, that a brand-new remained in Bosnia-Herzegovina or Kosovo No Longer Seems Out of the Question.

Victor Orban Bows His Head Slightly as Aleksandar Vucic Holds Up A Decorative Medal on a Chain and Preppares to Put It Over The Hungarian Prime Minister's Head And Onto His Shoulders
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Left) Received the Order of Serbia from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (right) in Belgrade in September 2022Image: Darko Vojinovic/ AP// Picture Alliance

This indicates that by Supporting Dodik and Vucic, Orban is for that reason making a significant payment to the destabilization of the area.

Orban’s Long-Standing Engagement in the Balkans

Orban’s Intense Involvement in the Western Balkans Goes Back More Than A Decade.

His Closest Ties To Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Bosnian Serb Leader Milorad Dodik, which is why Balkan Expert Adnan Cerimagic Calls the Autocratic Trio A “Brotherhood.”

Orban and vucic Have Together Launched A Number of Major Billion buck Investment Projects Search as the High-SpeedRailway Link Below Budapest and Belgrade, which was Financed with Chinese Loans.

In 2021, Orban Came to the Aid of Dodik, Who Had Us Sanctions Imposed on Him, with a Financial Injection of EUR 100 million ($ 108 million) forRepublika Srpska A Year Later, He Followed Up With A Low Interest EUR 110-million Loan.

Hungary Seeks Status AS A Regional Power

For Orban, Supporting eu Candidate Countries in the Western Balkans that Are Ruled by his allies is a long-lasting technique. Hey undoubtedly wishes it will certainly unusual his hand in the European Union.

At the very same time, he is eager to estaflish his nation as a local power in Central and Southeasters Europe.

Moreover, Orban is Himelf no Stranger to Ethno-Nationalist Concepts Like “Srpski Svet.” There are hungarian minorities in All ofHungary’s Neighboring Countries Thesis Communities Are Particularly Large in Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania and Serbia.

Victor Orban and Milorad Dodik (Center, Both in White Shirts) Look at Each Othe As They Talk While Walking A Street Past The Serbian Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior. They are surrounded by people, many of whom are in suits.
Orban Granted A Low-Interest EUR 110-million Loan to Republika Srpska Under Milorad Dodik in 2022. The Two Men (Center) Are Seen below Walking Together in Banja Luka in June 2023Image: Dragan Maksimovi ć/ DW

In the Case of Ukraine, at Least, Orban does not Seem to Be Excluding the opportunity of the nation falling down in the tool term and hungary Getting Back Parts of the Western Ukrainian Region of Transcarpathia.

Orban Regularly Refers to Ukraine as a “No-Man’s Land” Or a “Territory Called Ukraine.”

Broken Hungarian-Bosnian Relations

Despite all this, it Remains uncertain Why Orban’s Support for Dodik and Republika Srpska is so significant.

Dodik, Who is a lot more pro-Tutin Than Orban, is still under us permissions.

There are records that the us has actually been extremely important of the Tek Traveling to Republika Srpska and Has Warned Hungary Against Continuing to Support Dodik’s Separatiste Plans.

With thesis activities, orban has actually so torpedoed his nation’s connections with bosnia-herzegovina overall.

Bosnia Recently Refused Permission to Land to a Hungarian Military Airplane Carrying A Secretary of State in Orban’s Government.

Moreover, Zeljko Komsic, the Croat Representative in the Three-Member Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Has Called for Hungary to Be Exclpeder from Eufor/Althea, The EU’s Peace Mission in Bosnia.

Dodik Denies Genocide

Despite the reality that Bosnian Authorities have actually provided an apprehension Warrant Against Him, Dodik remained in Israel on Tuesday Afternoon, Where He Took Part in a Controversial Anti Semitism Conference Organized by the Israeli Ministry for Diasporsa Affairs and Combating Anti Semitism, which Attended by Numerous Far-Right Politicians from Around the World.

Several Rows of Men Dressed in Army Combat Uniforms with German and EU Flags on Their Arms and Rifles Over Their Shoulders Stand Outside A Building With a Sign for the German Eufor Camp Near Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Zeljko Komsic Has Called for Hungary to be left out from Eufor/Althea, The EU’s Peace Mission in Bosnia (Pictured below: German Eufor/Althea Troops in Bosnia)Image: Wolfgang Kumm/ dpa/picture Alliance

Dodik Posted on X That “Serbs and Jews Are Peoples Who Have Face Attempts at Total Eradication – And They Survived. That is why we understand. And that is why we stand together.”

This is Both Cynical and Grotesque in A Number ofRespects There has actually been a strategy or a project to get rid of all Serbs.

For his component, dodik rejects the genocide of the Muslim Bosniaks in Srebrenica in 1995. To back up this case “academically,” He established a payment headed by the debatable Israeli Holocaust Researcher Gideon Greif.

In 2021, this compensation “Established” that there down no genocide in srebrenica, which remains in straight opposition of the worldwide criminal tribunal for the previous yugoslavia (icty) in the hague.

Experts and Researchers Consider the Report toBe Unscientific Nevertheless, Dodik Holds Fast to his sight that it is over all the serbs that were sufferers – in the Yugoslav Wars.

This write-up was initial released in german and adjusted by aingeal flanagan.

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